Getting started

The requirements to start playing CorgiNFTGame are a Binance Smart Chain compatible wallet such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet and BNB (or USDT, BUSD) to be used for purchasing COR on Pancakeswap and a little BNB to pay for gas fees.

TIP: Some players choose to buy BNB from Binance. Because you can split 99% BNB to buy COR and the remaining 1% BNB as gas fee

MetaMask can be installed as a browser extension, or as an application on your mobile devices.

The instructions to install MetaMask can be found here:

Create a Metamask wallet

Once your MetaMask wallet is set up and BNB available (or BUSD, USDT...), see instructions for buying COR on Pancakeswap

Buy COR/Add COR/Add LP into wallet


Double-check your transactions before making them. We received a number of requests for reimbursement of BUSD, BNB, USDT... due to mistaken transfer to CorgiToken (COR) contract. These transactions will be lost, we will not be able to retrieve them for you. Therefore, please carefully check your transfer-receiving wallet address when making a transaction.

Last updated