Buy or Earn SPET/Add SPET

SPET is rewards token you get when you play CorgiGame at

SPET Contract: 0xbE7A10a65626D82DA0BDa141500b7FD7CeB3a033

Total Supply: SPET

SPET-BUSD liquidity pair has been locked for 101 years. This is the proof:

Step 1: Go to "Buy on Pancakeswap"

Step 2: Connect your wallet with Pancakeswap

Step 4: Choose your input currency BNB (or USDT, BUSD....)

Step 5: Paste address 0xbE7A10a65626D82DA0BDa141500b7FD7CeB3a033

and choose "Import"

Step 6: Adjust the number of SPETs you need to buy to be a round or even number. You can BUY - SELL SPET with slippage fee of 0.1%

SPET tax fee = 0%

Last updated