Stake & Farm

Start from 2:00 AM October 15th (UTC), we open pool stake and farm by LP on


Link pool stake: > Choose "Pool"

Prepare $COR tokens in your wallet in advance

  • APR: Annual Percentage Rate

  • Cor Earned: The amount of COR you earn

  • Cor Staked: The amount of COR you have staked

TIP: You can stake any amount of COR, stake as many times as you want. The more COR you stake, the more COR you earn

Stake more COR to pool

All current pool COR interest will be automatically transferred to the wallet [(1) to (2)].

The COR balance is changed (equal to the old balance plus the amount of COR staked) and the "Cor Earned" Interest will be recalculated from zero (3).

Harvest pool

You can "Harvest" multiple times with any amount of $COR. However, note that the network fee for each "Harvest" is about 0.3$.

To "Harvest", simply click the "Harvest" button and sign a paid confirmation to send $COR directly to the wallet.

Unstake pool

You want to withdraw your staked $COR, you need to select "Unstake".

Simply enter the amount of COR (principal balance) you want to withdraw into the box and select "Unstake", after signing the network fee to the wallet, the amount of COR withdrawn will return to the original wallet


Link pool stake: > Choose "Farm"

We are currently opening 2 LP pairs: COR-USDT and COR-BNB. More LP pairs will be updated in the future here

For example: If you want to farm with LP: COR-BNB

(Investors who think that BNB will increase in price in the future often choose this pair)

STEP 1: Prepare COR and BNB (or USDT) in your wallet. The number of CORs and BNBs that want to add LP needs to be equal to the ratio 1–1. The balance of the non-liquid currency will remain in the wallet.

STEP 2: You need to create this liquidity pair on Pancakeswap. At > Choose "Trade" > Choose "Liquidity"


  • You can add LP with BNB-COR or COR-BNB pair both valid

  • If you want stake 100% your investment by LP. You should use about 50% swap to COR; 50% to BNB (Remember keep some BNB as gas fee)

(Lately, you can split COR-BNB to sell each currency separately, or continue to add these pairs to LP)

Tip: You can add this liquidity pair manually by "Enter Token" and paste one of the two contract addresses below:

(COR-BNB) Cake-LP contract: 0x699bf7df6ad0b008bf135f7b7e4f90afaa5c7adb

(COR-USDT) Cake-LP contract: 0x9a43f37caf9da600d27dfc8261e61a882f1edcf2

STEP 3: Add this LP: COR-BNB pair to the corresponding farm pair on the website

You are done. Enjoy the results!

Stake more LP to farm

You perform the same operations as above (Step 1 to step 3) to add the LP pair to the wallet.

Enter the amount of LP you want to add, select "Stake" and sign the fee in the wallet.

All current farming LP COR gains will be automatically transferred to the wallet.

The LP pair balance is changed (equal to the old balance plus the amount of LP staked) and the Cor earned Interest will be calculated from the beginning.

Harvest farm

You can "Harvest" multiple times with any amount of $COR. However, note that the network fee for each "Harvest" is about 0.3$.

To "Harvest", simply click the "Harvest" button and sign a paid confirmation to send $COR directly to the wallet.

Unstake farm

If you want to withdraw your staked Liquidity Pair (LP), you need to select "Unstake".

Simply enter the amount of LP you want to withdraw into the box and select "Unstake", after signing the network fee to the wallet, the amount of LP withdrawn will return to the original wallet.

Next, you need access > Choose "Liquidity" to Remove your LP

After split the added LP pair into 2 separate currencies, you can sell them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I got this error: "Stake Error: execution reverted: ds-math-sub-underflow"


Try this: Enter a lower number.

This is a rounding error. Eg. The maximum is 25000, but the real number in your wallet is 24999 And it gives this error. Try entering a lower number

Question: I can not see my COR/USDT LP in my wallet?


Try paste one of the two contract addresses below corresponding to the liquidity pair you added:

(COR-BNB) Cake-LP contract: 0x699bf7df6ad0b008bf135f7b7e4f90afaa5c7adb

(COR-USDT) Cake-LP contract: 0x9a43f37caf9da600d27dfc8261e61a882f1edcf2

Last updated