List Pancakeswap

$COR is listed on Pancakeswap

  • From 14:00 PM October 10th (UTC)

  • Free trading

COR contract address: 0x3581a7B7BE2eD2EDf98710910fD05b0e8545f1DB


STEP 1: Connect your wallet with Pancakeswap

STEP 2: Choose your input currency (You can buy COR by BNB, BUSD or USDT....)

STEP 3: Paste address "0x3581a7B7BE2eD2EDf98710910fD05b0e8545f1DB" and choose "Import"

STEP 4: Helpful tip to buy $COR so easy and low fee

First, enter the amount of currency you want to buy. For example: 0.1 BNB

Next, set the amount of COR you want to buy as an even, round number. For example: I edited become 270 (instead of 270.256)

STEP 5: Confirm Swap

STEP 6: Add $COR into your wallet

Choose "Add token", then paste $COR address "0x3581a7B7BE2eD2EDf98710910fD05b0e8545f1DB"

An automatic 1% transaction fee will be added for both BUY and SELL side. The entire fee will be used for marketing and project development activities

TIP: If you have connected your wallet with Pancakeswap, you can quickly buy $COR by access this link:


Opposite of buying $COR You just need to select Input currency is "COR" And output is any currency you want.

Helpful Tip: Set the number of CORs to sell as an even, round, positive integer and Slippage Tolerance is 1.1%. This option is enough for you to make a successful COR sale.

If you trade $COR is the first time, need to "Enable" COR with a fee of 0.11$; after that you can SWAP COR to sell. At next transactions, you only need to press "SWAP"

Remember to slide correction from 1% to 5%, and the amount of COR is a positive integer. Transactions will be easier

COR-USDT LP locked in 6 months

COR Livechart

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Last updated